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Weldment assembly design is an extension of the assembly modeling environment. You can create a weldment two ways. In the weldment environment, use a combination of welding-specific and assembly commands. In the assembly environment, convert the assembly to a weldment. Once converted, you add the weld-specific design intent. In assembly weldments, you create assemblies, optionally add assembly features to prepare models for welds, add the weld as either a solid or cosmetic feature, and then add more assembly features for final machining operations.
Once the weldment model is complete, all parts and features are saved to a single assembly file and called a weldment. All weldment information, including detailed welding symbols and solid fillet weld bead annotations, can be recovered automatically in drawings. Depending on how you create the weldment, you can also create drawings representing the different states of the weldment.
You create weldment assemblies two ways:. Specifying an assembly as a weldment makes the Weld tab and browser available and applies the default weldment template. If converted from an assembly, no template is applied. As an extension of the assembly environment, you use the weldment environment to perform all tasks included in the assembly environment, plus tasks that are specific to weldments. Use the weldment environment to:. When you create or open a weldment file, you are in the weldment environment.
The weldment environment contains all the same features and commands of the assembly environment. Additionally, there are commands that are optimized to the weldment manufacturing process. Use these commands to classify and manipulate three groups of assembly features. Optionally, you can create cosmetic or solid fillet and groove welds and associate them with model geometry.
The weld feature groups include: preparation features, weld bead features, and post-weld machining features. When you create or open an assembly file, you are in the assembly environment. In the assembly environment, you can create assembly features except for assembly weld bead features. You cannot collect them into weld feature groups, which support the creation of drawings representing the different states of a weldment.
Weldments can be placed in an assembly, subassembly, or assembly weldment like any other component. Use the Place Component command to select and open the weldment, and then place it in the graphics window.
Once placed, you can edit a weld feature group, change visibility settings, and suppress individual features by activating the subweldment.
Weldments can be derived the same as a normal assembly. The weld bead is available to be derived as well, in the Bodies tab. All weld beads are derived together; they cannot be derived selectively.
Create cosmetic welds 2D and 3D wires by selecting edges or loops in the model. It is an efficient, lightweight representation. You can request that physical properties include or exclude cosmetic welds by selecting iProperties Physical Include Cosmetic Welds. You can specify the From-To terminations parallel to trim the cosmetic weld bead.
Fillet welds 3D solid are widely used when no physical gap exists between two or more components. A fillet weld can also bridge a gap between components that do not touch. If a gap exists, the fillet weld spans the gap but does not penetrate the opening.
You can create intermittent fillet welds by using pitch, length, and number of bead parameters. You can select Convex, Concave, or Flat Contour options to control the process shape contour of the weld.
If the weld does not begin or end on an edge, choose Start-Length to specify the offset distance and length value. You can also specify a From-To termination parallel only using assembly workplanes or planar geometry to determine the start and end position of the fillet weld bead. Groove welds 3D solid are useful when components are separated by a distance or gap.
If the Full Face option is not checked on one or either of the face sets, supply either a fill direction or choose the Radial Fill option. Use the Fill Direction selection to specify the direction in which groove weld face sets are projected onto one another to connect by a groove weld bead. Use Radial Fill if a direction pick is not required.
Use the Ignore Internal Loops option to control the presence or absence of welds inside of internal loops. Use the Chain Faces option to simplify picking tangent faces. Often a combination of fillet and groove welds are needed to create a successful weld. Use the End Fill command to specify explicitly which faces are considered as end fills. Creating weldment assemblies You create weldment assemblies two ways: Start a new weldment assembly.
Create the assembly, add assembly features, and weld features to the appropriate weld groups to form a weldment assembly. The weldment assembly functions as a single unit. Create a regular assembly, and then click Convert to Weldment. The assembly is converted to a weldment, prompting you to set the standard to use, determine the placement of existing assembly features as weld preparations or as post-weld machining features, and select the default weld bead material.
Note: Once you convert an assembly to a weldment, it cannot be converted back to a regular assembly. Tasks performed in the weldment environment As an extension of the assembly environment, you use the weldment environment to perform all tasks included in the assembly environment, plus tasks that are specific to weldments. Use the weldment environment to: Create or open a weldment file.
Create or insert weldments or subweldments into the weldment assembly. Optionally create assembly features as weld preparations. Create cosmetic weld and solid fillet or groove weld assembly features. Create assembly features as post-weld machining features. Use the browser to organize and edit assembly features, roll back the weld state, change weld visibility, and suppress features or sketches. Document the weldment. Differences between assemblies and weldment assemblies When you create or open a weldment file, you are in the weldment environment.
Placing a weldment assembly into other assembly Weldments can be placed in an assembly, subassembly, or assembly weldment like any other component. Derived weldment assemblies Weldments can be derived the same as a normal assembly. Weld bead types Create cosmetic welds 2D and 3D wires by selecting edges or loops in the model. Topics in this section Convert assemblies to weldments Manage the weldment browser Weldment Browser reference Convert to Weldment reference.
Parent topic: Weldments. Related Information Convert assemblies to weldments Manage the weldment browser.
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Structural Walls not visible in floor plan. Wall Junctions between different levels. Revit Schedule not updating.
how to illustrate path of walkthrough in Revit. Parametric sweep model in Column. can't create form. Materials gone after creating central.
投稿者: Edvinas. lukasev icius. U shaped stair with 2 independent railings. Level values on column schedule. Inventor Model States feature is supported. Download the free day trial today! ヘルプ ドキュメントを読む. このバージョンについて バージョン 9. 公開元プライバシー ポリシー. カスタマ レビュー. レビューを書くにはサインインしてください テクニカル ヘルプを表示. Thanh Phong 8月 01, 確認済みダウンロード これは何ですか?
help me. thank you very much. Pieter van der Westhuizen 公開元 8月 03, Alfredo Castillo 3月 31, 確認済みダウンロード これは何ですか? Pieter van der Westhuizen 公開元 4月 02, Steve Nguyen 9月 20, I just download the trial version and it works great. Grant Parry 5月 22, 確認済みダウンロード これは何ですか? Scale is invented, is there a way to change the scale from 0. Part list drop point? I want it to be placed in the lower corner.
Aamal Alabed 5月 17, 確認済みダウンロード これは何ですか? Pieter van der Westhuizen 公開元 5月 21, Daniel Mackie 4月 07, 確認済みダウンロード これは何ですか?
Pieter van der Westhuizen 公開元 4月 18, James Lenane 2月 19, 確認済みダウンロード これは何ですか? pierre-luc lacasse 12月 16, 確認済みダウンロード これは何ですか? Pieter van der Westhuizen 公開元 1月 16, Ysald Zuidema 5月 12, 確認済みダウンロード これは何ですか? Pieter van der Westhuizen 公開元 5月 17, Piet Claassens 11月 20, 確認済みダウンロード これは何ですか?
Pieter van der Westhuizen 公開元 11月 26, Pascal David 11月 04, 確認済みダウンロード これは何ですか? Joris Steurs 10月 30, 確認済みダウンロード これは何ですか? Pieter van der Westhuizen 公開元 10月 31, Maybe you could reuse some of the sketch code? Respectfully, Theo 詳細を表示. Keep lines visibile over canvas. I often design off of a drawing so I naturally import canvas' often. I need to go back into the Edit Canvas box, lower the transparency increase the transparency?
and then I can get back to drawing. I don't see the need to go through these steps in order to simply draw. To cover another canvas?
Sure, lack of transparency is good and sometimes needed. But the cursor, lines and draw tool should always be visible over the canvas. Flattening solids. Can we flatten our sheet metal developments in our drawings yet? Is it possible to export to anc files? marquee zooming. Can we have an additional zoom method that zooms the area described by a marquee box.
click a location on the screen within the viewport, drag the mouse to a new location and release the mouse. This area between the two points x,y:x1,y1 is then displayed in such a way that if fills the current view port.
Edit Window Navigation. Zoom and pan is okay, but tedious. Having a little navigation window that can be clicked to select the viewed section would speed editing a great deal 詳細を表示. PLEASE HELP SPEED ME UP IN FUSION. I am an AutoCAD, power user. I am a keyboard shortcut advocate. I accept challenges for Draft-Offs. I push projects and designs forward with a momentum that is only limited to my insight on what to draw next. Or so I hope. I have picked up Fusion quickly.
So far I am proud of my projects and designs constructs and content. I am impressed. I want to go fast. I can't have any tool slow me down. The only advantage I found is that Fusion has CAM and Timeline. A one stop shop. And it has you, The Developers and The Community.
Give Kudos on this and other posts wanting similar things! S-Command, RESERVE SPACEBAR FOR COMMAND SELECTION This software is ok, about keeping the mouse in a combative state in the drawing, pushing the design forward while my other hand confidently navigates from ASDF to any dang key on the mechanical keyboard.
I do not have the dexterity, nor time, to hit enter and reset and sometimes just plainly do not want to leave the active region on the screen with my pointer and move it towards an item to select it in the S-Command dialog.
Every other drafting software in Autodesk has them. Don't knock it, till you have spent years in one design environment. Again, from my perspective the years I have, have been jammed with drafting content -I am quick you know.
I have made a previous post, like many others before, for keyboard shortcuts to be user defined. In the post, I referred to Revit as a model for shortcuts done right across application context. That about sums it. I apologize if this is arrogance. From my perspective, it is my reality. Serious about that draft off, it would be excellent to meet other Drafters out there that share this aggressive drafting mentality. LET ME DRAW EVEN FASTER PLEASE!!
Fusion Team I Love what you have done here, I appreciate everything you do for the community. Matt 詳細を表示. Offset Plane input not ready on edit. OK, Please try this out and if the issue exists for you please give me some kudo's. Double click on the Offset Plane icon in your timeline to edit the feature. Start typing the offset and hit enter. The text field doesn't have focus When you right click edit on the browser it works Input Issue.
Theoretical Sharp Corners in drawings. I am not sure if this is a function but it would be nice to have a command that would create a point for a theoretical sharp corner where a radius and a line intersect in drawings.
Onshape has this feature and I could see it very useful in Fusion Theoretical Sharp Corner Drawings. Fix bug in drawing, projected view when zoom in related to funny results. When i zoom in on a projected view ande zet some demensions an zoom back out the projected view is zoomed. Target Value for design variable. Hi there, for example you use FEA with one or more Design Variable it needs multiple steps to find the size height for a pocket do have a lightweight Part, it would be better when we would have a solver who find in specific range User Range the right height or other criteria like Excel with Target Value.
It would also be great for Sketches. Next Idea where the Drawing for Quality Proof I know some guys use Excel for Quality Proof if the manufacturing parts have the right size.
It would be cool when we can use a HTML Version of the Drawings where the size where put in a table. in the Background is a excel Table for statistcal analysis of the manufacturing parts it would be time saving. great job Autodesk 詳細を表示. Initial loading of drawing interface in Fusion - takes lots of time.
I always want this ability in Fusion to load the interface much faster because this really creates an awkward moment during my pre sales demo and My Fusion customers are always asking me this.. Why is the initial loading of the drawing interface takes lots of time?? I would really like if Autodesk works on this for enhancement.
That way you would no clutter up the drawing. Bad joint Relation in Fusion component Scaling happening. I am in Modelling Environment of Fusion In my model there is a number of joint but after making a joint size of component or scaling is happening It is ruining my project How this is happening 詳細を表示.
As a extra It could generate in conjunction with the the BOMs Materials,Weldments, Cutlists. Drawing Fix? For some reason when making a shade view of a drawing, the lines don't line up with the bodies EXTRACT EDGE AS T SPLINE FOR RHINO. HI GUYS WHAT DO YOU THINK ABAUT A COMMAND : EXTRACT A NURBS CURVE FROM A T SPLINE EDGE? IS IT POSSIBLE? THANKS 詳細を表示. sketch tool must have. hi this is just a throw it out there that just drives me crazy when drawing a sketch in fusion, trying to draw off the center of rectangle and there is no tool to draw with symmetry to both sides of the pull up or down so the math is working out from center and edge, all it would take is to rework the 3 point rectangle witch is just doing exactly the same task as the 2 point rectangle and not helping.
just buy adding a center point to it or moving bottom right corner to the center which would make for a lot less running a round just to get something sketch with symmetry from center. sarebbebe bello avere un comando come estrai isocurve come rhinoceros.
estrai isocurve da una superficie 詳細を表示. AWG useable as a unit of measurement with some tools. Having wire gauge sizes as a unit of measurement would be useful in some situations. Mainly for hole and cylinder size, like for easier modeling wires, or holes for wires in circuit boards or other applications and for use as drill sizes for tools. Granted, it is not that difficult or time consuming to look up a conversion chart online somewhere, but it doesn't seem like a particularly difficult addition.
At the very least these would convenient in the Create Hole and Sketch Circle tools, but it would also be great if the measure tool could note when a hole or cylinder's diameter is equivalent to one of these sizes and if they could be used as measurement in drawings.
There's probably also a few other specialty units of measurement that would be useful in specific circumstances. Just thinking about it as I type, sheet metal gauge sizes could be useful in some tools as well and I'm sure there's many more. Subscribe to Email for each Post in Ideastation.
I love sharing my Ideas, shamelessly sometimes. But, I also like to know where everyone else stands on their Ideas and cheer them on. And help turn it into a discussion to help provide clarity to it if needed and keep the momentum on great ideas. I love the concept of this type of collaborative event and workspace. I would like to remain informed that some other 'genius' contributed to the pool of 'ideas. If the email contained the body, I would be more productive with your email.
Hits to your site from this email do not measure your effect, but that of the body of the email. Keep it simple, make it secure and make it happen! Not so fast! An email that's easy to read, plain text, and where the content, the idea, is the only thing that tells you to drive in and contribute. Lastly, please include after the body of the text, a few paragraphs down and smaller a link to unsubscribe. I hope this is a fairly easy task and one that gets good traction and support.
I would like this project of community driven development to evolve maybe to start with an idea, make it happen and let the format become democratic. Saving an Animation. Inventor for Woodworkers - your questions for Uncle Carl. Filter by Labels. adsklib 1. dwg 1. dwg cleanup 1. ide 1. ipj file error 1. obj 1 1 2 4 2 3 2D 2 2D drawing 3 2d Drawings 1 2d Sketch 2 2d to 3d 1 2D view vs.
フォーラム リンク すべてのフォーラム スタート ガイド サポートへの問合わせ AVA バーチャル アシスタント. 話題のトピック Option for suppressing a feature?
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